28 Apr

by @drMishi DHMS (RHMS)
Blood wastes and excess fluids are filtered from the body by the kidneys. Wastes and fluids can build up in the kidneys if they are not functioning properly. People with kidney failure can undergo kidney dialysis as a treatment option. This blog explores kidney dialysis causes, symptoms, and advice.

Kidney Dialysis Causes:

It is normally necessary to undergo kidney dialysis when the kidneys are incapable of filtering wastes and excess fluids from the body. This can happen for several reasons, including: 

  1. Dialysis for chronic kidney disease
  2. Having diabetes
  3. Hypertension
  4. The inherited kidney disease
  5. Disorders of the immune system
  6. Dialysis for polycystic kidney disease
  7. Blocked urinary tracts

Kidney failure symptoms include: 

The symptoms of kidney failure vary from person to person, but some common ones are as follows:

  1. Anxiety
  2. Vomiting  & nausea
  3. Legs & feet swell 
  4. Having muscle cramps
  5. Urine output changes
  6. Breathing problems
  7. Hypertension 
  8. Concentration problem

Dialysis Patients' Advice:

Following these tips is important if you or someone you know is undergoing kidney dialysis:

  1. Make sure you follow your healthcare provider's dietary restrictions and keep track of your fluid intake.
  2. As directed, take all medications.
  3. Keep all dialysis appointments.
  4. Prevent infections by maintaining good hygiene.
  5. Exercise regularly and stay active.
  6. Don't drink alcohol and don't smoke.
  7. Make sure your healthcare provider is aware of your condition and ask them questions if you have any.

Kidney Dialysis Tests:

Dialysis may be necessary if the kidneys are failing to function properly, which can be determined by several tests, including:

  1. A blood test for measuring waste products in the blood, such as creatinine and urea nitrogen.
  2. Testing urine for protein and other substances.
  3. Kidney size and shape can be assessed using imaging tests, such as ultrasounds or CT scans.
  4. Microscopically, a kidney biopsy involves removing a small sample of kidney tissue.

In conclusion 

Kidney failure patients need dialysis to survive. The causes, symptoms, and advice related to kidney dialysis can help patients and their loved ones better manage the condition and improve health outcomes. Tests and treatment options for kidney failure can be discussed with your healthcare provider if you are experiencing symptoms.

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